Coleman Lew Canny Bowen

Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, Delta State University


Delta State University (DSU) is a public comprehensive institution located in the Mississippi Delta in Cleveland, MS, on 332 acres, with over 2,700 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. DSU offers 14 baccalaureate degrees in 39 majors. The University also advances student education through certain fields by providing graduate programs of study for 12  master’s degrees, the Education Specialist degree, and the Doctor of Education and the Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees.

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This position will report directly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences directly supervises 11 full-time employees while indirectly supervises 75 full-time employees. The College is organized into the following departments:

  • Art
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Mathematics and Sciences
  • Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies
  • Delta Music Institute
  • Languages and Literature
  • Music
  • Social Sciences and History
  • Social Work
  • Speech and Hearing Sciences


The Dean will provide academic, intellectual, and administrative leadership for the College of Arts and Sciences, the largest and most diverse college on campus, and will serve as the visible ‘face’ of the College to internal and external constituents.

Specific expectations/duties will include, but not necessarily be limited to:

  • Develop College strategic initiatives and create a positive work and learning environment within the College.
  • Advocate to the Provost/VP for Academic Affairs for the interests of the College.
  • Balance the needs and expectations of the departments and College with those of the University.
  • Engage in effective budget management.
  • Advocate for new programs and initiatives while cultivating/supporting current academic programs and their curricula.
  • Provide oversight of University accreditation related to the College (SACSCOC) and oversight of specialized accreditation efforts within the College: Music, Art, and Social Work.
  • Exhibit a familiarity with contemporary enrollment management practices at the college level.
  • Secure external funding through grants and/or development and advancement activity.
  • Provide effective human resource management oversight, including tenure/promotion reviews and faculty/chair/staff annual evaluations.
  • Administer policies and procedures affecting personnel matters, academic programs, conflict management, and student academic issues.
  • Represent the College in the Academic Council, Cabinet Advance, Chairs Council, various search committees, and similar entities.
  • Efficiently process paperwork related to the College and University.
  • Support faculty through faculty development.


  • At least three years of experience in academic administration as chair of a department or division; service as a dean/associate dean for more than one year preferred.
  • A record of excellence in teaching, research, and service appropriate for appointment as a tenured full professor at Delta State University.


Compensation will be commensurate with experience including a competitive base salary and competitive benefits package.


Nominations should include the nominee’s full name, position, institution/organization, and email address. Applications should consist of the following documents, to be submitted electronically in .pdf format:

1) Detailed letter of interest addressing the leadership agenda and qualifications as outlined in this profile;

2) Full resume/curriculum vitae with relevant administrative responsibilities and accomplishments;

3) List of five professional references, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses, noting the candidate’s relationship for each reference. References will not be contacted until later in the search process and only with the candidate’s permission.

To apply, make a nomination, provide a referral, or for additional information, please use the contact information below. To apply, submit the three application documents described above to:


Coleman Lew Canny Bowen
Chris Shade, Consultant