Coleman Lew Canny Bowen came together when two nationally respected, independent firms decided they would be better together than apart. Canny Bowen, a generalist firm with particular expertise in industrial and legal searches, was founded in New York in 1954. Coleman Lew was founded in Charlotte, NC in 1979 and also got its start as a generalist firm with deep expertise in food-related sectors.

Coleman Lew Canny Bowen came together when two nationally respected, independent firms decided they would be better together than apart. Canny Bowen, a generalist firm with particular expertise in industrial and legal searches, was founded in New York in 1954. Coleman Lew was founded in Charlotte, NC in 1979 and also got its start as a generalist firm with deep expertise in food-related sectors.

Over the years the two firms collaborated and competed with each other and soon realized they also shared significant core values:
- An emphasis on ethics and exemplary client service.
- First-rate teams they were proud to invest in.
- A long history of successful search engagements resulting in trusted client relationships that last for decade.
So, in 2019, Coleman Lew and Canny Bowen decided their clients would be better served if they joined forces and offered the best of their collective talents. At that time Greg Gabel was president of Canny Bowen and Shana Plott was CEO of Coleman Lew. Together, they worked diligently to combine their two paths into one.
With offices in New York and Charlotte, CLCB taps into an expansive global network which allows us to scout and recruit the very best talent. Since 1954, we have served a diverse roster of public, private, nonprofit, and international clients.

Over the years the two firms collaborated and competed with each other and soon realized they also shared significant core values:
- An emphasis on ethics and exemplary client service.
- First-rate teams they were proud to invest in.
- A long history of successful search engagements resulting in trusted client relationships that last for decade.
So, in 2019, Coleman Lew and Canny Bowen decided their clients would be better served if they joined forces and offered the best of their collective talents. At that time Greg Gabel was president of Canny Bowen and Shana Plott was CEO of Coleman Lew. Together, they worked diligently to combine their two paths into one.
With offices in New York and Charlotte, CLCB taps into an expansive global network which allows us to scout and recruit the very best talent. Since 1954, we have served a diverse roster of public, private, nonprofit, and international clients.
Commitment and Pledge to Diversity
As long-standing members of AESC, we share their commitment to combat racism, prejudice, and discrimination within our own organizations, with candidates and the clients we serve, and in our communities. We proudly take and promote the AESC Pledge and its four guiding principles:
Each member who signs this pledge is committing to developing and deepening actions within their own firms. Our Guiding Principles will help inform firm-based actions which will accelerate a sustainable positive impact.
We commit to listen, engage, and learn so that we can do better both as employers and as trusted advisors. We will understand and leverage best practices to greatly enhance attracting and developing diverse talent for ourselves and our clients. We will work with our clients to identify leaders and assess them for their ability to create inclusive cultures where diverse talent thrives.
We will develop stronger and more diverse slates of candidates through robust research, outreach, and alliances. We will use our expertise to mentor diverse talent to raise their visibility and their success and will identify partnerships that allow us to engage more people, and thus have a greater impact.
We will advocate with clients to help them embrace best practices that further their diversity and inclusion efforts which, in turn, will enhance business results. We will contribute our time and our expertise to under-served communities to advance racial equity and economic empowerment and to fight for social justice.
Ready to get started? Let’s have a conversation and find out if we’re a good fit for each other. If so, we’re available now to begin your journey toward new leadership and enhanced performance.