Coleman Lew Canny Bowen

Gregory Lynn Tennent

Gregory Lynn Tennent

Gregory Lynn Tennent

Before joining Coleman Lew Canny Bowen, Charlotte native Gregory Lynn Tennent built her career at IBM.

She joined the multinational technology company in 1994 and rose through the ranks to become senior business operations manager for IBM Worldwide Digital Sales. In that role, she provided financial, territory, and personnel business management support and analytics to global sales executives for a book of business totaling $6 billion.

During her 25-year tenure with IBM, she worked in operations, marketing, sales, program management, and more. She was the fifth member chosen for the NetGen start-up team, charged with developing worldwide strategy and offerings for IBM’s dotcom business.

After growing up in the Washington, DC area, she earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. She and her husband have two children in college.

Active in the Charlotte community, Gregory Lynn has volunteered with the Salvation Army Women’s Shelter, Room In The Inn, and Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina.

Phone: 704.377.0362
Email: [email protected]

Did you know?

“The travel bug bit me at an early age,” Gregory Lynn said. “When I have the time and money, I’ll pack a bag to go anywhere, but if I’m lucky I’ll have an international destination.” She’s traveled to six of the seven continents and hopes to make it to Antarctica one day.

Her favorite destination? “Hands down, the Serengeti in Tanzania for a safari my parents took the family on.”